Boshen Handbag Manufacturerleather goods custom & OEM Service

Why is there a Difference between Quotations from Different Handbag Manufacturers?

2018-06-30 10:29:23 

As the old saying goes, price tells the quality. The price of a handbag largely depends on its materials, and let Guangzhou handbag manufacturer tell you why.

Price is the most important consideration to many customers when seeking a manufacturer for bag customization. Why different handbag manufacturers offer different prices for customization of the same bag? The price of a handbag largely depends on its materials, a handbag of good quality has a higher cost, and thus a higher price. The price of a handbag is also influenced by its design, as different designs require different techniques, and the more complex the design is, the longer the period will be required for manufacture and the higher the price will be.


As a high-end genuine handbag manufacturer with over two decades of experience, GUANGZHOUBOSHENLEATHERGOODSCO.,LTD is your reliable option. You are welcome to customise your bag at Guangzhou Boshen leather goods manufacuturer.